Monday, 2 May 2016

Bullying doesn't just happen in school

It's been over a week since my first introductory blog post and I have been thinking about what topic I want to address on my blog first. I have recently come across a very powerful image in my opinion about bullying, then I came to the realization that bullying is something I am passionate about and I don't tend to see much surrounding it on social media anymore, because it's something that we associate being at school with... However bullying doesn't JUST happen in school!

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behaviour among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumours, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Most of you reading this can probably say you have been bullied at some point in your life, whether that is name calling or physical assault, both of which are just as harmful. Bullying is something we all think only happens in school... when you're so young and vulnerable and don't really understand what is happening to you. However the point of my blog post is to stress that bullying doesn't just happen during school, it can happen in the workplace, with friends or even family members. This post is to address this and I will be happy knowing that people have taken something from my post, such as feeling more capable of looking out for others who may be getting bullied around you. 

Bullying is something I have personally experienced in school and I am sure so many others have who are reading this. I was unfortunately bullied during both primary and secondary school but I was lucky enough to have incredible support from teachers who I felt able to confide in, but not everyone has that person they can trust. It's so important to be vigilant at all ages, no matter what situation you are in because the older we get the less likely we would feel able confide to others about being bullied. Approaching someone you know who you think may be experiencing the signs I will address below may change their life forever. It's such a difficult experience to go through, because it generally affects you for the rest of your life. Those verbally abusive comments from your peers stick with you right through your adolescence, but of course at the time we don't know this and most of us are afraid to stick up for ourselves. Being physically assaulted as a child by peers also affects you later in life, for example experiencing intense anxiety when you're in a situation of conflict. Speaking up about being bullied was personally harder than being bullied for me and I know others who feel the same. There are many signs you can look out for when someone is being bullied, for both children and those you work with or are friends with today. 

Signs that someone you know is getting bullied: 
- Unexplainable injuries - bruising/cuts/grazes
Lost or destroyed clothing, books, electronics, or jewellery
- Frequent headaches or stomach aches, feeling sick or faking illness
Changes in eating habits, like suddenly skipping meals or binge eating.
- Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares
Decreased efforts with school/college/work, loss of interest, or not wanting to go
- Sudden loss of friends or avoidance of social situations
Feelings of helplessness or decreased self esteem
Self-destructive behaviours such as running away from home, harming themselves, or talking about suicide.

All of these signs are ones that we should look out for not only for young children but also our friends and colleagues. I hope that this post has reminded you that bullying still happens and it's not always the severe cases that are the most important. For example, name calling by many is seen as a joke, not worth worrying about because were not children anymore so it's fine... Wrong! 
Imagine being called words such as stupid, bitch, idiot, crazy, mental and more every day when you're at work sitting at your office desk or running around looking after people all day. This is still considered as bullying and I can honestly say this is something I see so often, however I never think anything of it until now. It is not until I came across a very powerful image which has been drawn by someone online, which has made me stop and think about bullying, I will post the image below.


Take a moment to look at this image and think if you have seen anyone received these verbally abusive comments and names in the last week, if you have, this person may be getting bullied. 

How to respond to bullying:
- Stop the bullying on the spot - When people respond quickly and consistently to bullying behaviour, they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behaviour over time. There are simple steps adults can take to stop bullying on the spot and keep children/colleagues/peers safe.
- Find out what happened - Whether you’ve just stopped bullying on the spot or a child/adult has reached out to you for help, learn how to determine the best way to proceed.
- Support the person involved - All people involved in bullying—whether they are bullied, bully others, or see bullying—can be affected. It is important to support all involved to make sure the bullying doesn’t continue and effects can be minimized.
- Be more than a bystander - Every day, people see bullying. They want to help, but don’t know how. Research ways how YOU can help, whether that be speaking to the person directly or someone who can help e.g. teachers, managers or even the police. Don't walk away, take a chance for the person’s safety.

We need to remember that bullying doesn't JUST happen in school, it happens in any given situation and if we see the signs, we must act! Speaking out changed my life so don't be afraid to open up if you feel you or someone you know is being bullied. There are people who are willing to help and listen, you just have to find the right ones. I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, please let me know below in the comments what you think or let me know through any of my social media accounts. Thank you for reading!

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